To Benjamin Franklin from John Sargent, 20 June 1767
From John Sargent7
AL: American Philosophical Society
Downing street Saturday 20th June. [1767?8]
Mr. Sargent presents his Compliments to Dr. Franklin, and desires the favour of his Company to Dinner on Thursday next to meet Sir Matthew Fetherstone.9
Addressed: To / Dr. Franklin / at Mrs. Stephenson’s / Craven Street
[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]
7. For Sargent, one of BF’s English friends of long standing, see above, VII, 322 n.
8. June 20 fell on a Saturday in 1767 and in 1772 during BF’s second mission; according to editorial practice, this note is printed here at the earlier of the two dates.
9. For Sir Matthew Fetherstonehaugh, a wealthy member of the House of Commons, who was a party to a land speculating scheme with BF and Sargent during the former’s first mission, see above, X, 214 n.