To Benjamin Franklin from [Israel] Wilkes, 26 April 1767
From [Israel] Wilkes5
AL: American Philosophical Society
Red Lyon Square 26th. April [17676]
Mr. Wilkes presents his Compliments to Dr. Franklyn, and begs the favour of his Company to drink Tea, and spend the Evening, on Fryday 1st. May.
[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]
5. Apparently not John Wilkes, who was out of the country during most of 1767, but his brother Israel (d. 1805), a London merchant, F.R.S., 1760, with whom BF was invited to eat Christmas dinner in 1766; see above, XIII, 538.
6. So dated because May 1, the date for which Wilkes invited BF for tea, fell on a Friday during his second mission only in 1767 and 1772; according to editorial practice, this note is placed at the earlier of the two dates.