Benjamin Franklin Papers

To Benjamin Franklin from Mr. and Mrs. John Sargent, 6 March 1767

From Mr. and Mrs. John Sargent4

AL: American Philosophical Society

Downing Street Friday 6 March [17675]

Mr. and Mrs. Sargent present Their Compliments to Dr. Franklin, and will be glad of the Favour of his Company, if He will take a Family Dinner with Them on Sunday next. at half past Three.

Addressed: To Dr. Franklin / Mrs. Stephenson’s / Craven Street / Strand

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

4 John Sargent was a director of the Bank of England and at this time an M.P. for West Looe; BF had become friendly with him during his first mission; see above, VII, 322 n; IX, 359 n; X, 3 n, 143–4 n, 214 n.

5March 6, fell on Friday in 1767 and 1772 during BF’s second mission; in accordance with editorial practice this note is placed here at the earlier of the two dates.

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