Benjamin Franklin Papers

To Benjamin Franklin from William Strahan, 21 February 1767

From William Strahan

ALS: Yale University Library

Saturday, Feby. 21. [17675]

Dear Sir

The Company that were to have dined with me on Monday are so desirous that you should make one with them, that they have agreed to defer their Meeting, till Tuesday, on which Day at Four I shall expect the Pleasure of seeing you.

I herewith send you some more of the Copy of the History of North America.6 Be so good to put it to what you had before, and when you have a spare Hour just cast your Eye over it, and let me know whether you think it good for any thing or not.

Dr. Hawkesworth7 and General Beckwith8 are to be with me this Evening. If you are disengaged, we shall make a Partie Quarrée at Cribbidge. I am Dear Sir Your most obedient Servant

Will: Strahan

To B. Franklin

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

5So dated because February 21, fell on a Saturday only in 1767 during BF’s second mission.

6Perhaps The Present State of Great Britain and North America, ascribed to John Mitchell (above, II, 415 n), advertised for publication in London Chron., Feb. 26–28, 1767; extracts from the work were printed in the Chronicle on March 14–17, April 7–9, and May 23–26.

7For Dr. John Hawkesworth, the writer and editor with whom BF had become friendly during his first mission, see above, IX, 265–6 n.

8For John Beckwith, who had been appointed a major general in the Prussian army in 1763 after distinguished service in the Seven Years’ War, see above, X, 329.

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