To Benjamin Franklin from the Associates of Dr. Bray, [4 December? 1766]
From the Associates of Dr. Bray9
Printed form with ms insertions in blanks: American Philosophical Society
Associates Office, 17 66
The Associates of Dr. Bray, for establishing Parochial Libraries, and instructing the Negroes in the British Plantations, meet on Thursday the 4 Day of December at Ten o’Clock, at their Office at the Angel and Bible, in Ave-Mary Lane.
Addressed: To / Dr. Franklin Near / The Strand
9. For the Associates of Dr. Bray, a philanthropic organization, one of whose principal concerns was the education of Negro children in North America, see above, VII, 100 n. BF was elected to membership in the organization during his first mission to England and in 1763, while in Philadelphia, reported to the Associates about the progress of their school there. See above, VII, 356 n, 377–9; IX, 12, 174; X, 395–6; and this volume, p. 442.