To Benjamin Franklin from George Read, [August? 1766]
From George Read
Draft: Library of Congress
[August? 1766]7
I now return you my most sincere thanks for the immediate Application you were so good as to make at the Treasury on my behalf, as I am informed by your Letter of the 12th. of June8 and shou’d the event be otherwise than successful to me it will not prove a matter of much disappointment.9 I am but little troubled with that Passion for Offices so generally prevalent. This is the first I ever sought after, the Execution of which answering my Situation tempted me to rely on your well known disposition to assist those you may think worthy. My Mother desires her best Compliments may be made to you for your kind remembrance of her and I am your much obliged and most obedient Humble Servant
Geo: Read
Doctor Franklin
Endorsed: Drt. of a Ltr to Doctor Franklin in London—1766
7. Read might have received and answered BF’s letter of June 12 before the end of July, but August seems a more probable month for the writing of this letter.
8. On April 14, 1766, Read had written BF asking that he apply to the Treasury for Read’s appointment as collector of the port of Newcastle. BF had replied on June 12 reporting that he had made immediate application as Read had asked. Above, pp. 246–7, 313.
9. The change in the ministry during July was probably a major reason for the failure of the application. BF’s extended absence in Germany may also have been a factor.