Benjamin Franklin Papers

To Benjamin Franklin from Joseph Galloway, [August 1766]

From Joseph Galloway

ALS: American Philosophical Society

[August, 1766]5

Dear Sir

The Bearer hereof Mr. Jonathan [Pot]ts son of our worthy Friend Mr. John Potts, served his Apprenticeship with Dr. Phineas Bond6 of this City. His Intention is to complete his Studies in England. He is here esteemed [to be a] sensible worthy Young Man. I am Convinced, that a bare Mention of his Connections will be a sufficient Recommendation of him to your Notice and Friendly Advices, whenever he shall stand in Need of them, during his Stay in England, and render any other unnecessary from Dear Sir your very Affectionate humble Servant

Jos. Galloway

Addressed: To / Benjamin Franklin Esqr / In Craven / Street / London / per Favr / Dr. Jona Potts / p post paid

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

5So dated because of the recommendation of Jonathan Potts, who was traveling to Edinburgh to pursue his medical studies. On Aug. 24 and 30, 1764, Charles Thomson and Samuel Wharton had written BF on behalf of Potts and his companion, Benjamin Rush, both of whom were about to embark for Britain.

6Above, ii, 240 n.

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