To Benjamin Franklin from [Alexander] Small, 11 June 1766
From [Alexander] Small8
AL: American Philosophical Society
June 11th 1766
Mr. Small presents his Complements to Dr. Franklin, is glad Sir John Pringle9 is to be happy in so agreable a Fellow Traveller, and begs leave to trouble him with the inclosed Letter and Bill, in case they take Hague in their way. If not the Dr. may burn them. Mr. Johnson1 is a very polite Man, and will, I dare say, be very ready to do Sir John and Dr. Franklin any Service in his power. Mr. Small sincerely wishes them a pleasant Journey, and happy return.
Endorsed: June 11th. 1766 Birmingham
8. The endorsement, added at the bottom of the note, possibly in BF’s hand, suggests by the word “Birmingham” that the writer was William Small, now resident in that city; above, XI, 480. The handwriting of the body of the note, however, is distinctly different from that in letters signed by William Small, and is very close to, if not identical with, that of letters by Alexander Small, the Scots army surgeon in London (above, IX, 110 n), who was on terms of familiarity with both BF and John Pringle.
9. Dr. John Pringle had just been created a baronet, June 5, 1766.
1. Not identified, but possibly an army surgeon attached to the Scottish regiment stationed at The Hague.