Benjamin Franklin Papers

To Benjamin Franklin from Baron Behr, 10 June 1766

From Baron Behr8

AL: American Philosophical Society

Cleveland Row St. James’s 10. Juin 1766.

Baron Behr presente ses complimens à Mr. le Docteur Franklin, et souhaitant un heureux voyage, lui remet les incluses.

Addressed: To / Dr. Franklin / Baron Behr

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

8The Hanoverian minister in London, who had obviously been informed of the impending visit of Pringle and BF to Germany. In a letter tentatively dated June 15, 1770, to an unidentified correspondent at Walthamstow, possibly Anthony Todd, BF expressed great pleasure at the prospect of seeing at his correspondent’s home “that excellent good Man Baron Behr.” APS.

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