To Benjamin Franklin from James Johnson, [28 April 1766]
From James Johnson4
MS not found; reprinted from George Everett Hastings, The Life and Works of Francis Hopkinson (Chicago, [1926]), p. 122.5
[April 28, 1766]
The Bishop of Worcester presents his Respects to Dr. Franklin and begs the favour of Him to let the Inclos’d to Mr. Hopkinson go in his Packet when He has an opportunity of sending to Philadelphia.
[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]
4. For James Johnson, Bishop of Worcester, whose kinship to the Hopkinson family of Philadelphia BF helped establish in 1765, see above, XII, 124 n, 200, 288–9, 401.
5. Hastings indicated that the ms of this letter was owned by Mr. George O. G. Coale of Boston, but its present whereabouts has not been discovered.