Benjamin Franklin Papers

To Benjamin Franklin from William and Margaret Strahan, [1765–1775]

From William and Margaret Strahan

AL: American Philosophical Society

Sunday noon [1765–1775]

Mr. and Mrs. Strahan present their Compliments to Dr. Franklin and the Ladies,8 and conceiving it may be more agreeable and convenient for them, will not dine till three o’Clock to day.

Addressed: To / Dr. Franklin / or / Mrs. Stevenson

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

8Apparently “the Ladies” were Mrs. Stevenson and her daughter Mary (Polly), if the note was written before the latter’s marriage in 1770; if not, some mutual friend or friends must have been included in the invitation. Had the note been written during BF’s first mission, his son WF would probably have been mentioned as a prospective guest.

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