To Benjamin Franklin from William Heberden, [4–9 December 1765]
From William Heberden8
AL: Historical Society of Pennsylvania
[December 4–9, 1765]9
Dr. Heberden sends his compliments to Dr. Franklin, and desires the favor of his company at dinner on wednesday next (Decr. 11th.) at half an hour past three.
Addressed: To / Dr. Franklin / craven Street
8. On William Heberden, physician and author of a treatise on inoculation for which BF wrote the preface, see above, VIII, 281 n.
9. During the years in which BF was in London, December 11 fell on a Wednesday only in 1765 and 1771. In accordance with editorial policy this note is placed with letters of the earlier year. Heberden certainly did not write before Wednesday, December 4, nor later than Monday, the 9th. Had he written on the 10th he would have said “tomorrow” instead of “wednesday next.”