From Benjamin Franklin to David Hall, 20 August 1765
To David Hall
ALS: Yale University Library
London, Augt. 20. 1765
Dear Mr Hall
I wrote to you per the Packet,2 and do not recollect that I have any thing material to add. Mr. Strahan tells me the large Paper Molds are sent to you.3 The Duty on Advertisements I before inform’d you, is for every time they are inserted in the Paper.4 But there is no Duty on Hand Bills or sticking Advertisements, which I suppose will therefore increase, if the others diminish.5
There are some Hopes now entertain’d that the Act may be repeal’d next Session, but I believe with no great Foundation. We shall however see if any thing is to be done, and no Endeavours of mine shall be wanting.
My Love to Cousin Molly and your Children. I am, Yours affectionately
B Franklin
I wonder you have not got the two Line Brevier Capitals.6 I will enquire about them.
Addressed: To / Mr David Hall / Printer / Philadelphia
Endorsed: Mr. Franklin August 20. 1765.
2. Above, pp. 233–4.
3. On February 14 (above, p. 66) BF had written Hall that he would send a pair of paper molds for double demy half sheets, the size on which the London Chronicle was printed. If Hall were to use sheets of this size for his newspaper he would save half the duty to be charged by the Stamp Act for the sheets he was then using.
4. Hall had been uncertain on this point; above, p. 189.
5. Hall took advantage of this hint. In Pa. Gaz., Oct. 31, 1765 (the last issue before the Stamp Act was to go into effect), he printed a black-bordered announcement that the publishers of the paper, “unable to bear the Burthen, have thought it expedient to stop a While, in order to deliberate whether any Methods can be found to elude the Chains forged on them.” At the end of the Philadelphia news, however, Hall inserted an announcement, emphasized by a pointing hand: “Single Advertisements, Hand-Bills, &c. &c. done with the greatest Expedition by the Publishers hereof.”
6. Above, p. 189.