From Benjamin Franklin to John Wright, 24 July 1765
To John Wright9
ALS: Pierpont Morgan Library
Cravenstreet, July 24. [1765–1774]1
Dear Sir,
I think I gave you some Expectations of going out with you to your Place on the Forest2 on Saturday next. If I did, I hope you will be so good as to excuse me, till the Saturday following, or some other subsequent Day that may suit you, this being inconvenient to me; wherein you will oblige, Your very humble Servant
B Franklin
Mr. Wright.
Addressed: To / Mr Wright / at Smith, Wright & Gray’s / Banker / Lombard street
Endorsed: Dr B. Franklin
9. On John Wright and the banking firm of Smith, Wright & Gray, see above, X, 350 n; XI, 179 n.
1. Obviously BF might have written this letter in almost any July during which he was at Craven Street. Although he and Wright had apparently been friendly during at least the last part of his first mission to England, this relationship does not seem to have been particularly close until the second mission. The letter is therefore placed during the first July after his return to London.
2. Presumably the New Forest. Precisely where Wright had his country home is not known.