To Benjamin Franklin from Anthony Todd, 18 July 1765
From Anthony Todd
AL: University of Pennsylvania Library
Genl. Post Office 18 July 1765
Mr. Todd presents his Compliments to Mr. Franklin and acquaints him that Lord Bessborough and Lord Grantham meet at the Office on Friday at noon to open their Patent.5
5. Bessborough and Grantham became joint postmasters general in the Rockingham ministry, July 12, 1765. London Chron., July 18–20, reported that on Friday, the 19th, they had held their first board at the Post Office and that they and their predecessors had dined together at a tavern in Cornhill. On Bessborough, see above, IX, 118 n. Sir Thomas Robinson, 1st Baron Grantham (1695–1770), had a long diplomatic career, served as secretary of state, 1754–55, and was joint postmaster general until December 1766. DNB; Namier and Brooke, House of Commons, III, 366–7.