To Benjamin Franklin from William Neate, 27 June 1765
From William Neate5
AL: University of Pennsylvania Library
St. Mary-hill6 27th. June 1765.
Mr. Wm. Neate presents his Compliments to Mr. Benjn Franklin and Mrs. Stevenson, and will do himself the pleasure of sending his Carriage to convey them to Richmond on Saturday next.
NB. The Carriage will be in Craven Street at any Hour they shall appoint.
Addressed: To / Benjn Franklin Esqr / Craven Street
5. William Neate (d. 1775) was a London merchant, heavily engaged in the American trade. He shipped goods to Pa. for BF during his first mission to England (above, VIII, 306–7, 323, 423) and frequently supplied BF and Mrs. Stevenson with Newton pippins. London Chron., May 2–4, 1775; Gent. Mag., XLV (1775), 254; Neate to Mrs. Stevenson, Feb. 23, 1772; to BF, March 11, 1772, Hist. Soc. Pa.
6. St. Mary at Hill was a church and street in London between Eastcheap and Lower Thames Street in Billingsgate Ward. Henry B. Wheatley, London Past and Present (London, 1891), II, 492.