To Benjamin Franklin from Ephraim Brown, 12 April 1765
From Ephraim Brown6
ALS: American Philosophical Society
Philada. April 12, 1765
Honored Sir
With the greatest Respect I take the Freedom by this Packet to congratulate you on your safe arrival in England. I wrote a Line by the last Packet,7 which I hope you have receiv’d. His Excellency Governor Franklin and Lady, and Mr. Foxcroft, happen’d to be at Mrs. Franklin’s when your agreeable Letters came to hand.8 We go on well with the Post-Office, and hope give Satisfaction.
I have no more to write, being in great haste, only beg you will give me leave to subscribe myself, your most obliged humble Servant
E Brown
To Mr Franklin
Addressed: To / The Hon. Benja Franklin, Esqr / Craven Street / London. / per Packet
Endorsed: E Brown Philada
6. For Ephraim Brown, Peter Franklin’s adopted son, who was at this time assisting his foster father in the Philadelphia Post Office, see above, p. 78 n.
7. Brown’s letter has not been found, but from Peter Franklin’s letter to BF on Feb. 21, 1765, it can be inferred that he had written about going to England to work in a printing house, which he did in 1767.
8. See the letter immediately above.