Benjamin Franklin Papers

John Penn and the Provincial Commissioners: Order to Pay Benjamin Franklin, 11 January 1765

John Penn and the Provincial Commissioners: Order to Pay Benjamin Franklin

DS: Historical Society of Pennsylvania

Philada. Jany. 11th. 1765.

Pay to Benjamin Franklin Esqr. or order the Sum of Fifty five Pounds in full of his Salary as a Commissioner appointed to dispose of and apply the late Grant from this Province of £55,000 to His Majesty’s Use.1

John Penn2
£55 — — Jos: Fox
To Charles Norris3 } Lynford Lardner
Mahlon Kirkbride Thos: Cadwalader
and John Morton, Esqrs Jos. Galloway
Janry 12th. 1765 Reed of Chas Norris Jon Hughes
Fifty five Pounds in full of the above Order Jos: Fox4

1For BF’s activities as a provincial commissioner under the £55,000 Supply Act of May 30, 1764, see above, XI, 221–4.

2The signatures are those of the governor and all the other provincial commissioners except John Baynton.

3The three men named here were the trustees of the Loan Office appointed in the Supply Act.

4The accounts of the General Loan Office audited and reported to the Assembly Sept. 18, 1766, record the payments of £55 to each of the seven commissioners, Jan. 12–18, 1765. 8 Pa. Arch., VII, 5919–20. Fox probably turned over to DF the amount he had received for BF. There is no record in BF’s accounts that it was transmitted to him in London.

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