Benjamin Franklin Papers

To Benjamin Franklin from Jonathan Williams, 17 November 1764

From Jonathan Williams

ALS: American Philosophical Society

Boston, Novr the 17: 1764

Honoured Sir

Mr. Charles Russel8 the Bearer hereof applies to me for a few Lines to Make him known to you. He is Son of the Honourable James Russel Esquire of Charlestown. Comes home to perfect His practice as a Physican, in one of the Hospotals, and being a Gentleman of good Character here I Beg Leave to recommend Him to your Civilities as a Stranger in the City of London in Doing Which you Will Oblige your Dutifull Nephew and Humble servant

Jona Williams

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

8Charles Russell (1738–1780), A.B., Harvard, 1757, took his medical degree at Marischal College, Aberdeen, in 1765. Returning to America, he practiced at Lincoln, Mass. In 1768 he married Elizabeth Vassall. A Loyalist whose property was confiscated by the Massachusetts Legislature, he settled in Antigua in 1775. Russell’s father, James (1715–1798), was a respected public officeholder and judge who was appointed a mandamus councilor by Hutchinson, but refused to take the oath of office. The Charlestown bridge was built through his efforts. New Eng. Hist. and Geneal. Reg., XVII (1863), 125–6; E. A. Jones, The Loyalists of Massachusetts (London, 1930), p. 253; Lorenzo Sabine, Biographical Sketches of the Loyalists of the American Revolution (Boston, 1864), II, 246–7.

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