To Benjamin Franklin from Pennsylvania Assembly Committee of Correspondence, 1 November 1764
From Pennsylvania Assembly Committee of Correspondence5
Copy: Library Company of Philadelphia
Philada. Novemr. 1st. 1764
The General Assembly of this Province, having appointed Us to be the Committee of Correspondence; And in Pursuance of their Resolves from time to time during their late Sitting; We have Caused to be made out and furnished divers Certified Copys of Resolves and Instructions to Richd. Jackson Esqr. then Sole Agent of this Province to be sent by Us [to] Mr. Jackson.6
But as it appeared to the General Assembly, that matters of the highest Concern to the Colonies in General and to this Province in particular were depending in England &c: The House were pleased to Resolve that you should embark with all Convenient dispatch for Great Britain there to joyn with and assist the said Richd. Jackson Esqr. in the Agency of Representing, Soliciting and transacting the affairs of this Province for the Ensuing year; As will more fully Appear to you by a Certified Copy of the Resolves of the House for this purpose made out and signed by the Clark of the Assembly.7
Needless therefore will it be for Us to add more on this Occasion then to referr you to the Several Copys of Resolves and Instructions here with Delivered to you for Mr. Jackson8 and to request that you will in every thing and measure Relative to the Colonies in General and this Province in particular, Aid Assist Joyn and Act in Concert with Mr. Jackson, and Strictly and attentively Observe the Directions of the House given him in every measure to be Prosecuted. We wish you a good Voiage &c.
To Benja. Franklin Esqr
Endorsed: Copy of the Committee of Correspondenc’s Letter Dd. Benja. Franklin Esqr Novr. 1st. 1764
5. On Oct. 17, 1764, two days after the Pa. Assembly convened for its annual fall session, it appointed a committee of correspondence to serve for “the ensuing Year.” The members appointed to the committee were Speaker Isaac Norris (who resigned as speaker a week later), Joseph Fox (Norris’ successor as speaker), Joseph Richardson, John Hughes, Isaac Pearson, and John Ross. The committee wrote the present letter to BF after the House had adjourned on Oct. 26, 1764. A copy of the letter was laid before the House and read on Jan. 12, 1765. Votes, 1764, p. 5; 8 Pa. Arch., VII, 5700.
6. On Oct. 20, 1764, the House ordered the Committee of Correspondence to transmit to Jackson a copy of instructions adopted the same day detailing some of Pennsylvania’s objections to the Sugar Act and the proposed Stamp Act and a copy of an order, also adopted the same day, advising Jackson to proceed with “the utmost Caution” in attempting to affect a change of government in the province. Votes, 1764, pp. 8–10, 11.
7. See above, pp. 407–8.
8. In addition to the documents mentioned in the second footnote to this letter, see the letter to Jackson immediately below.