Benjamin Franklin Papers

From Benjamin Franklin to the Massachusetts House of Representatives Committee, 28 September 1764

To the Massachusetts House of Representatives Committee

Draft: Library of Congress

Philada. Sept. 28. 1764


I received duly your Letter of the 25th. of June, directed to the Speaker of our Assembly;8 but the House not meeting till the tenth Instant,9 I could not sooner acquaint you with their Sentiments on the Matters by you recommended to their Consideration. I have now the Pleasure of informing you, that they concur intirely with your Assembly in the Ends you have in View, and in the Means proposed to obtain them. They have accordingly wrote fully to their Agent on the Subject, and directed him to join with the Agent of your and the other Provinces in the Steps to be taken.1

I heartily wish them Success, and have the honour of subscribing myself Gentlemen, Your most obedient &c.

B F.

Endorsed: Letter from Boston Assembly 17642

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

8See above, pp. 342–3.

9The House was scheduled to meet on September 10, but there was no quorum until the next day.

1See above, pp. 347–51.

2On the same page with this endorsement is the beginning of an undated draft of a letter to William Dunlap regarding the Philadelphia postmastership. It reads in full: “Mr. Dunlap, / Sir / The Term of your Commission being expired,”. On this subject, see below,pp. 418–22.

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