Benjamin Franklin Papers

To Benjamin Franklin from Francis Bernard, 14 November 1763

From Francis Bernard

Letterbook copy: Harvard College Library

Castle William Novr. 14. 1763


A fortnight ago I took the Liberty to trouble you with a request that you would procure for My Son at Alexandria credit to return to Philadelphia, and a passage from thence to Boston.8 I have just now received a Letter from him at Alexandria at Mr. Sebastian,9 A Tavern Keeper there. Altho’ I hope, before this Comes to your hand, that my Son will be considerably advanced in his return home; yet that nothing may be wanted to accelerate it, I have thought fit to trouble you with the enclosed.1 If he is passed Philadelphia when you receive it, you will please to burn it. I am Sir


Benjm. Franklin Esqr.

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

8See above, pp. 353–4.

9Not identified.

1Not found.

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