Benjamin Franklin Papers

From Benjamin Franklin to William Strahan, 22 September 1763

To William Strahan

ALS: Henry E. Huntington Library and Art Gallery

Boston, Sept. 22. 1763

Dear Friend

I write in pain with an Arm lately dislocated, so can only acknowledge the Receipt of your Favours of May 3. and 10.9 And thank you for the Intelligence they contain concerning your publick Affairs. I am now 400 Miles from home, but hope to be there again in about 3 Weeks.1 The Indian War upon our Western Settlements, was undoubtedly stirr’d up by the French on the Missisipi, before they had heard of the Peace between the two Nations; and will probably cease when we are in Possession of what is there ceded to us. My Respects to Mrs. Strahan and Love to your Children. I am, Dear Friend, very affectionately Yours

B Franklin

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

9On August 8 BF acknowledged Strahan’s “Favour of May 3. and Postscript of May 10” (above, p. 320) and thanked him for its “Sketch” of political affairs. No letter of either date has been found.

1Chiefly because of his injury, it was more than six weeks before BF reached Philadelphia.

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