From Benjamin Franklin to [John Ellicott], 22 September 1763
To [John Ellicott]1
ALS: Yale University Library
Boston, Sept. 22. 1763.
Dear Sir
In coming thro’ New York to this Place, I made a second Enquiry after Mrs. Holland, and was assur’d there was not nor had been in that Place any such Person. As I return I shall notwithstanding cause an Advertisement to be printed in the Newspapers, if possible by that means to gain Intelligence of her. I will likewise cause another to be printed in the Virginia Gazette, having some Suspicion, that the York may be Yorktown in Virginia, which is not far from James River. I will then send home the Papers, that the Steps taken may be seen; with an authenticated Account of the Enquiry and every thing I can learn by it: My best Respects to the Club;2 and please to acquaint Mr. Peyton that I have receiv’d his Letter, and shall observe the Contents.3 I am Sir, with great Esteem Your most obedient Servant
B Franklin
1. So identified because of the reference to Elizabeth Holland, for whom BF had been searching at Ellicott’s request for several months. For this futile search, see above, pp. 248–9.
2. The Monday Club, which met at the George and Vulture Tavern; see above, p. 250 n.
3. Mr. Peyton has not been identified, and his letter has not been found.