From Benjamin Franklin to William Strahan, 2 December 1762
To William Strahan
ALS: American Philosophical Society
Philada. Dec. 2. 1762
Dear Straney,
As good Dr. Hawkesworth2 calls you, to whom my best Respects. I got home well the 1st. of November, and had the Happiness to find my little Family perfectly well; and that Dr. Smith’s Reports of the Diminution of my Friends were all false. My House has been full of a Succession of them from Morning to Night ever since my Arrival, congratulating me on my Return with the utmost Cordiality and Affection. My Fellow Citizens while I was on the Sea, had, at the annual Election, chosen me unanimously, as they had done every Year while I was in England, to be their Representative in Assembly; and would, they say, if I had not disappointed them by coming privately to Town before they heard of my Landing, have met me with 500 Horse. Excuse my Vanity in writing this to you, who know what has provok’d me to it. My Love to good Mrs. Strahan, and your Children, particularly my little Wife.3 I shall write more fully per next Opportunity, having now only time to add, that I am, with unchangeable Affection, my Dear Friend, Yours sincerely
B Franklin
Mrs. Franklin and Sally desire their Compliments and Thanks to you all for your Kindness to me while in England.
Addressed: To / Mr William Strahan / Printer / New Street Square / Shoe Lane / London4
2. For Dr. John Hawkesworth, editor and essayist, see above, IX, 265–6 n. On BF’s reception at home see also immediately above.
3. Strahan’s younger daughter, Margaret Penelope; see above, p. 137 n.
4. On the address page Strahan penciled some notes apparently recording the votes of certain peers on unidentified measures in the House of Lords. Before each of the names of Bute, Pomfret, and Talbot appears the letter “f” (presumably standing for “for”), and before each of the names of Dartmouth, Rockingham, Newcastle, Temple, and Littleton appears “a” (presumably “against”). Below are totals: “Cont [for “Content”] 73 62”; and “NotC [for “Not Content”] 39 38.”