Benjamin Franklin Papers

Statement of Account with Charles Norris, 5 August 1762

Statement of Account with Charles Norris

ADS: Franklin Institute, Philadelphia

Dr. Cha. Norris Esqr.8

Dec. 6. Compleat Body of Gardening9 £1. 16. 0
1758    Do Husbandry 1. 15. 0
Sept. 15.    Do Gardening 1. 16. 0
2  Do Husbandry 3. 10. 0
2 Lisle’s Observations on Husbandry 1. 0. 0
Nov. 1. Charges on Shipping &c. 12. 9
Mar. 26. Botanical Thermometer 18.
30. Parkinson’s Herbal1 1. 0. 0
1762 Cash advanc’d to Gardner2 5. 0. 0
Another Botanical Thermometer
 omitted above
0: 18. 0
£18: 5: 9
London, Aug. 5. 1762
Cr. by Cash receiv’d of Elias Bland3 in full 18. 5. 9

per B Franklin

Errors excepted

Endorsed: Benja: Franklin Esqr His Sterling Account to Mr: Chas: Norris £18. 5.9 Londo: Augt. 5th. 1762

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

8This statement of account duplicates the entries on the last (unnumbered) page of “Account of Expences.”

9For this and the following four books, see above, VII, 176 n; VIII, 169.

1John Parkinson, Theatrum Botanicum: The Theater of Plants, or an Herball of large extent … (London, 1640), as the title is recorded in Brit. Mus. Cat. DNB gives it as Theatrum Botanicum: The Theater of Plantes, or An Universall and Compleate Herball (London, 1640).

2On the gardener BF had apparently hired and sent to Philadelphia for Norris, see above, p. 70 n.

3A London Quaker merchant who had lived in Philadelphia (above, III, 141 n). His name was on the list of people BF had recorded on his draft letter to Polly Stevenson, June 21, 1762 (above, pp. 107–8). Probably that entry was to remind BF to see Bland before leaving England because of some understanding that Bland would settle this account for Norris.

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