To Benjamin Franklin from James Brown, 27 November 1761
From James Brown6
Copy: Historical Society of Pennsylvania
Lombardstreet 27th Novr. 1761
Benj. Franklin. Esqr.
I have sent herewith a letter of Attorney to be Executed by you before two Witnesses to empower me to transfer the Fifteen Thousand Pounds 4 per Cents.8 as I could not do it without, you’ll please to return it per Bearer as it must be lodg’d at the Bank this afternoon—£8000 being sold for to morrow morning and must be done then as the Persons who bought it will stay no longer—it being sold to be transferr’d this morning and it was with difficulty they were prevail’d on to take it to morrow. I am for Father and Self most Respectfully Yours
Jas. Brown
I have sent back your Bank Book apprehending it was sent per Mistake.
Addressed: To / Benj. Franklin Esqr. / from J. Brown / Banker in Lombard Street / respecting the Sale of Stocks.
6. James and his father Henton Brown were BF’s bankers; see above, p. 218 n.
7. Indicating the ultimate submission of this document to Isaac Norris.
8. For the sale of this block of stock, see the document immediately above.