Benjamin Franklin Papers

To Benjamin Franklin from Isaac Norris, 16 November 1761

From Isaac Norris

Letterbook copy: Historical Society of Pennsylvania

Benja. Franklin
By Captn. Bradford
} Infra Nover 16 [1761]

Above is the Substance of my Last.7 I now send the Second Bill of Exchange No. 121 for £100. Sterling drawn by the Trustees on your Self. Please to Credit my Account Current with That Sum. I am afraid our last Assembly have been too precipitate in drawing These Bills but it is now too late to recall it. I am your assured Friend

I N.

To Benja Franklin

NB. I. Johnston8 Sent a Third Bill. B F recd the Bill See his Letter of the 13. Febry. 17629

Endorsed: Second Bill Excha for £100. 0. 0 BF recd this Bill

Benja. Franklin arrived at Philad November 1st. 1762.1

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

7His letter to BF of Nov. 4, 1761, above, pp. 380–1. It should be consulted for matters mentioned in this letter.

8Not identified.

9Not found.

1Neatly hand-printed at the bottom of the page.

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