Benjamin Franklin Papers

To Benjamin Franklin from Francis Eyre: Bill and Receipt, [10 August 1761]

From Francis Eyre: Bill and Receipt

DS: Library Company of Philadelphia

Benjamin Franklyn Esqr

For Samuel Preston Moore’s Private Act of Assembly, past in Pensilvania and confirmed by His Majesty in Council.6


16. Janry. Fees at the Council Office
Order referring said Act to a Committee 3: 2: 6
Copy of the Act annexed 1: –:
Committee Order referring it to the Board of Trade }
2: 2: 6
Copy of the Act annexed 1: –:
5 June Committee Report thereon 1: 10:
25 Do. Order confirming the Act 4: 2: 6
Record Keepers Fee 2: 2: 14: 19: 6
NB. This Act was referr’d among Others by Mr. Penn, who payd for it in the Gross, yet the Fees are thus charged to Mr. Eyre.
NB. also, The Board of Trade referr’d it with Others to their Counsel, And have hitherto made no Demand; If they do their Fees will be inserted.
Paid Sir Mathew Lamb Counsel to the Board of Trade, his Fee, on this Act being referr’d to him }
5: 5:
Do. to his Clerk –: 5:
Do. for a Copy of his Report –: 10: 6
For all my own Trouble Attendances at the Publick Offices getting this Act passed through, Copys thereof and the Orders &c. }
10: 10:
Paid Porters Petty Expences and Gratuitys 5: 5:
£36: 15:

Reced the 10th. of August 1761, of Benjamin Franklyn Esqr. thirty six Pounds fifteen Shillings, in full by me

Fras. Eyre7.

Recd. Jany. 18 1762 of S.P.Moore the above sum in Current money at 75 percent per C[urren]t Exchange amounting to £64. 6. 3.

D Franklin

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

6This bill well illustrates what it cost a colonial, whose affairs necessitated a private act, to get that act confirmed in Great Britain. For the circumstances in this case and the procedures involved, see above, pp. 271–2 n, 278, 279, 333, and the letter immediately below.

7BF recorded this payment in “Account of Expences,” p. 61; PMHB, LV (1931), 131.

Index Entries