Benjamin Franklin Papers

From Benjamin Franklin to Deborah Franklin, 7 August 1761

To Deborah Franklin

ALS: American Philosophical Society

London, Aug. 7. 1761

My dear Child

I wrote to you June 13. July 11. July 22. and July 24.4 I have now little to add, except to acquaint you that we continue pretty well, tho’ I begin to feel the want of my usual yearly Journeys.5 We shall therefore, having little to do at present, set out in a few Days for Harwich and possibly may take a Trip over to Holland,6 but purpose to be again in London, God willing, before the Coronation. My Love to my dear Sally, whom with you I long to see, and to all Friends. I am, my dearest Debby Your ever loving husband

B Franklin

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

4None of these letters have been found.

5For these earlier journeys, see above, VIII, 114–15, 133–46, 430–1, and this volume, p. 231 n.

6For BF and WF’s trip to the Netherlands, see below, pp. 364–8.

Index Entries