Benjamin Franklin Papers

From Benjamin Franklin to Samuel Preston Moore, 24 July 1761

To Samuel Preston Moore

ALS: Haverford College Library

London, July 24. 1761

Dear Sir,

I have the Pleasure of sending you enclos’d the Royal Approbation of your Act.6 What the Expence of the Solicitation will be, I cannot yet tell you, not having yet receiv’d the Bills. But I shall discharge it, and acquaint you per next Opportunity.7 With great Esteem, I am, Dear Sir, Your most obedient humble Servant

B Franklin

S.P. Moore Esqr

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

6The Pa. act of Sept. 27, 1757, empowering Moore, his wife, and his father-in-law to grant land titles on behalf of their beneficiaries received the royal approbation on June 25, 1761; see above, pp. 271–2 n, and below, p. 340.

7The expenses for soliciting the confirmation of Moore’s act were £36 15s.; see below, p. 340.

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