From Benjamin Franklin to [Springett Penn?], 30 June 1761
To [Springett Penn?]8
Draft: Detroit Public Library
Friday June 30. 61
I have not yet obtained the Opinion of my Lawyer on the Title &c.9 and am to be out of town tomorrow and next Day, but on Friday purpose to be in the City and to call on you. I am Sir, Your humble Servant
B Franklin
8. The reference to the opinion of BF’s lawyer “on the Title” provides a clue to the possible identity of the addressee. As the result of a recent interview with Springett Penn (above, p. 315), BF appears to have initiated an inquiry, in the strictest secrecy, into the validity of the title of Thomas and Richard Penn to the proprietorship of Pa. This note appears to be a response to Springett’s queries about the progress of the investigation.
9. Crossed out: “but expect it in a Day or two. I shall be out of”