From Benjamin Franklin to Henry Wilmot, 9 May 1761
To Henry Wilmot5
ALS: American Philosophical Society
Cravenstreet, Saturday May 9. 1761
I have received the Act you mention,6 and if tis convenient to you to call at my House on Monday morning any Hour before One, I shall be glad to see you and converse with you on the Subject;7 being with great Esteem, Sir, Your most obedient humble Servant.
To—Wilmot Esqr
5. As in the case of Wilmot’s letter of May 8 (above, p. 314), to which this is a reply, I. Minis Hays suggests an incorrect identification as “[Sir John Eardley?] Wilmot.” Calendar of the Papers of Benjamin Franklin, III, 452.
6. The Supply Act of April 12, 1760; see above, pp. 43–4 n.
7. Thomas Penn reported the meeting between BF and Wilmot on Monday, May 11, to Richard Peters a month later: “Mr. Wilmot has had a conference with Mr. Franklin, who has had exemplified Copies of Bills sent him, but not any orders to present them, he was charged to let Mr. Franklin know we had had information that the Assembly was in a better disposition, that we were very desirous to shew ourselves equally disposed and therefore would not take any step to widen the breach again, and cautioned him against it, he said he had yet received no orders, that if he did to present Bills he must do it, but if any thing was left to his discretion he should exercise it, and that he thought what Mr. Wilmot said to him was very proper.” Penn to Peters, June 13, 1761, Penn Papers, Hist. Soc. Pa. Apparently this Supply Act was never presented to the King in Council; see above, pp. 201–2 n.