To Benjamin Franklin from David Hall, 18 April 1760
From David Hall
Letterbook copy: American Philosophical Society
Philada. April 18. 1760.
In my last to you, of the 31st ult.9 by the Roebuck, Capt. Jones, to Holyhead, I inclosed you the third Copy of a Bill of Exchange for £200 Sterling. I have now sent you the first Copy of another Bill of Exchange for £100 Sterling more,1 which, with what was before sent you, makes up Two Thousand Forty-nine Pounds, Twelve Shillings, and Five-pence Sterling, since you left this Place;2 for which, as usual, give me Credit, and Advice of receiving. Parson Smith denies his being with Mr. Osborne, and saying any thing to my Disadvantage; but I am well satisfied what you wrote was true notwithstanding.3 Wish the Fount of Brevier was come, as it is much wanted;4 have had no Letter from you later than the Beginning of last August, the Meaning of which I cannot conceive.5 I am, Sir, Yours, &c.
D. Hall
To Mr Franklin.
By the Friendship, Capt. Falconer, to London.6
Exchange 52½
9. See above, pp. 40–1.
1. On the protesting of both bills mentioned here, see above, p. 34 n.
2. Hall’s remittances are listed above, VII, 235–6.
3. On April 8, 1759, BF wrote that William Smith had accused Hall of charging “excessive Prices” and had applied to Thomas Osborne for a consignment of books, which he or someone else would sell at reasonable prices and so would soon have “all the Custom” in Philadelphia. See above, VIII, 319.
4. See above, p. 34. Hall acknowledged receipt of the type, July 2, 1760; see below, p. 179.
5. Hall acknowledged receipt of BF’s August letter on Dec. 15, 1759, but it has not been found; see above, VIII, 448 n.
6. Pa. Gaz., April 24, 1760, reports the clearance of the Friendship, Capt. Nathaniel Falconer.