Benjamin Franklin Papers

From Benjamin Franklin to Deborah Franklin, 21 February 1760

To Deborah Franklin

ALS: American Philosophical Society; transcript: Harvard College Library (Sparks)

London Feb. 21. 1760

My dear Child,

Since I wrote you last, I have receiv’d yours of Nov. 7. and 29, Dec. 17. and Jan. 4. the last yesterday by Capt. Monck.4 I rejoice to hear you and Sally and Mother5 are well. I have lately been much indispos’d with an Epidemical Cold, that has lain greatly in my Head; but being just now cupp’d by Dr. Fothergill’s Advice,6 and parting with 8 Ounces of Blood from the Back of my Head, I find myself better, but cannot write much. I shall only acknowledge the Receipt of the Apples; those in the Boxes turn’d out much better than those in the Barrels; and amongst the Boxes, Billy’s rather the best. I send you per Capt. Bolitho, two Saucepans, which instead of being tin’d within, are plated with Silver, that will not melt off like the Tin. The biggest cost me 2 Guineas, the smallest 17s. I flatter my self they will please you.7 O that I were with you, or you with Your affectionate Husband

B Franklin

P.S. Feb. 26. I continue mending, but not quite hearty yet. I was blooded on Sunday, 16 Ounces, which was of great Service; but that and Physic has left me a little weak. I bought 3 Saucepans, but keep the smallest to use here. I write to Sally per the Beulah, and send her some Goods.8 Mrs. Garrigue’s Things will go in Capt. Gibbon, I mention’d them in a former Letter.9 Mr. Bland1 buys and ships them.

Addressed: To / Mrs Franklin / Philadelphia

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

4None of these letters has been found.

5DF’s mother, Sarah Read.

6For Dr. John Fothergill, see above, IV, 126–7 n.

7BF bought these saucepans in Sheffield, either on his way to, or his return from Scotland in the fall of 1759; see below, p. 27. The Myrtilla, Capt. John Bolitho, left Portsmouth on March 19, 1760, and arrived in Philadelphia on May 4, 1760. Pa. Gaz., May 8, 1760.

8Pa. Gaz., June 5, 1760, records the arrival of the Beulah, Capt. James Gibbon.

9Mrs. Mary Garrigues (above, VII, 274 n), daughter of BF’s old friend, James Ralph. The letter mentioned here has not been found.

1Elias Bland, London Quaker merchant (above, III, 141 n).

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