From Benjamin Franklin to James Wright, 9 July 1759
To James Wright9
LS: Yale University Library; transcript: John L. W. Mifflin, Middlebush, N.J. (1955)
London July 9, 1759
Dear Sir
By the Cornelia Capt. Smith I sent you in a Box to Mrs. Franklin1
Norden’s Egypt. cost | £4: | 4: | 0 |
Maintenon’s Letters and a Book of Husbandry | 0: | 6: | 0 |
A Thermometer2 | 1: | 11: | 6 |
£6: | 1: | 6 |
which I hope are got safe to hand.
There has been at my House one Mary James3 who was taken from Juniata about 3 Years and a half since, and carried by the Indians to Canada, was redeem’d from them by Col. Schuyler, and got among the French; was sent with other Prisoners to old France; and after living there 15 Months, got over hither. She tells me she left two Children with you and your good Sister whom she is very desirous of seeing. I am endeavouring to procure a Passage for her.
I wrote to you some time since concerning the Silk Affair.4 For public Matters must beg leave to refer you to my Letters to the Speaker,5 having now only time to add, that I am, with affectionate Regards to all Friends at the River,6 Your most obedient Servant
B Franklin
Billy presents his Respects.
Mr. Wright
9. See above, IV, 210–11 n.
1. See above, p. 306, for the books mentioned below. The brig Cornelia, Capt. Robert Patten, not Smith, arrived in Philadelphia June 19, 1759. Pa. Gaz., June 21, 1759.
2. BF recorded this purchase on March 10, 1759; see “Account of Expences,” p. 38.
3. See opposite page. She has not been otherwise identified. Several Indian attacks on settlers in the Juniata valley were reported in late 1755 and early 1756, but few individuals were named in the accounts. I Pa. Arch., II, 454, 458, 566, 568.
4. The cultivation of silk worms was one of the many interests of Wright’s sister, Susanna (above, IV, 210–11 n). BF’s letter “concerning the Silk Affair” has not been found.
5. See above, pp. 232–7, 291–7, 396–404.
6. The Wright family and their connections lived on both sides of the Susquehanna River.