Benjamin Franklin Papers

To Benjamin Franklin from David Hall, 20 November 1758

From David Hall

Letterbook copy: American Philosophical Society

Philadelphia 20th November 1758


Inclosed I have now sent you a Bill of Exchange for one Hundred Pounds Sterling;6 the second Copy of which I sent by the Dragon Capt. Hammit the Receipt of which you will please to acknowledge, and advise me of its being paid when you have received the Money, which will much Oblige Yours &c.

D Hall

To Benjamin Franklin Esqr. per Cornelia Capt. Patton
Copia per Capt. Hammit
3d per Capt. Ritchie Via Bristol

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

6This bill went in the brig Cornelia, Robert Patton, which cleared Philadelphia Nov. 16; the second copy in the ship Dragon, Francis Hammet, clearing Nov. 23; the third in the brig Grace, John Richy, clearing Dec. 7. BF entered it on Jan. 3, 1759, in “Account of Expences,” p. 23; PMHB, LV (1931), 115; he acknowledged it on April 8 (below, p. 317).

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