To Benjamin Franklin from the Earl and Countess of Macclesfield, 28 May 1758
From the Earl and Countess of Macclesfield8
MS note: American Philosophical Society
St. James’s Square [London] May the 28th [1758]9
Lord and Lady Macclesfield Compliments to Mr. Franklin and Desiers the favour of his Company to Diner on Sattarday Next1 at 3 o’clocke.
Addressed: Craven Street
[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]
8. See above, IV, 448 n.
9. So dated because 1758 was the only year of BF’s adult life in the May of which he was in England prior to his honorary doctorate at St. Andrews Feb. 12, 1759. Any one as conscious of BF’s scientific achievements as Lord Macclesfield would hardly have addressed him as “Mr.” after that date.
1. June 3, 1758.