To Benjamin Franklin from Mrs. Lloyd, Mrs. Morris, and Mr. Lloyd, [1757–1759]
From Mrs. Lloyd, Mrs. Morris, and Mr. Lloyd2
AL: American Philosophical Society
Thursday Morn: [1757–1759]3
Mrs. Lloyd Mrs. Morris and Mr. Lloyd present their Compliments to Mrs. Stevenson and Mr. Franklyns, and desire the Favour of their Company this afternoon to meet Miss Gambier.4
2. None of these persons has been identified. They may have been friends of Margaret Stevenson, BF’s landlady.
3. Probable terminal date established by the use of “Mr.” instead of “Dr.” for BF.
4. Possibly one of the daughters of James Gambier (1692–[1740?]) and a sister of John Gambier (1723–1782), acting governor of the Bahamas, 1758–59, and lieutenant governor, 1764–81, and of James Gambier (1725–1789), officer of the Royal Navy, who commanded the Burford in the capture of Louisbourg in 1758 and of Guadeloupe in 1759. DNB. The three Gambier sisters were Susan, Elizabeth, and Margaret. Sir [John] Bernard Burke, A Genealogical History of the Dormant, Abeyant, Forfeited, and Extinct Peerages of the British Empire (new edit., London, 1866), p. 226.