To Benjamin Franklin from John Apthorp, [1757–1759]
From [John] Apthorp4
AL: American Philosophical Society
Tuesday morning [1757–1759]5
Mr. Apthorp’s compliments to Mr. Franklyn and desires the favour of his Company to dine with him on Fry-day next ¼ past three.
Addressed: Benjn Franklyn Esqr / Buckingham Street,6
4. Probably John Apthorp (d. 1772), son of the Charles Apthorp of Boston who was agent for Hanbury & Thomlinson in the northern colonies and involved in supplying specie for British troops in America. John Apthorp became a London partner of Thomlinson and his brother-in-law Barlow Trecothick about 1758. He returned to Boston in 1765 and was lost at sea on a voyage to South Carolina.
5. The terminal date is assigned because of the manner of addressing BF, whom Apthorp would probably have called “Dr.” after Feb. 12, 1759.
6. Not BF’s address, but only a few blocks from Craven Street; apparently Apthorp did not know exactly where BF lived.