William Franklin to Elizabeth Graeme, 12 May 1757
William Franklin to Elizabeth Graeme
ALS: American Philosophical Society
New-York, May 12, 1757
My dearest Betsy,
I am this Moment return’d from an Excursion of four or five Days in the Jerseys.9 The Mail is made up and the Post just upon his Departure. I detain him just to acknowledge the Receipt of two Letters from you, which I have not Time to read thro’.
This is all that I can possibly say at present; your Regard imagine the rest, for Your truely affectionate
9. In a letter dated May 16, William describes this excursion more fully: “Our Stay here was so tedious that my Father determined upon a little Excursion in the Jerseys. Our Party consisted of some Gentlemen and Ladies of this Place, and my Mother and Sister, who had come to Woodbridge in Expectation of spending a few Days with my Father before his Departure. Our Ride was to Newark, Passayak Falls, and to Col. Schuyler’s Copper Mines. The face of the Country, its many Improvements, the Variety of romantic Prospects which almost everywhere abound afforded me far greater Pleasure than any Thing I had ever seen before. Indeed I had not the least Idea that Views so agreeably enchanting were to be met with in America.” The letter goes on at length to explain how busy he has been and how much he regrets her not having taken an opportunity that arose to come to New York. PMHB, XXXIX (1915), 262–3. On the Passaic Falls and Colonel Schuyler’s estate, see above, III, 465–6.