From Benjamin Franklin to Samuel Rhoads, 26 January 1756
To Samuel Rhoads3
MS not found; reprinted from The Historical Magazine, 2d series, I (May 1867), 284–5.4
Fort Allen, Jan. 26, 1756.
Dear Friend
I am extreamly oblig’d by your kind Concern express’d for my Safety and Welfare.5 We march’d hither with the greatest Caution, thro’ some passes, however, in the Mountains, that were very dangerous, if the Enemy had oppos’d and we had been careless. Hitherto God has bless’d and preserved us. We have built one pretty strong Fort, and by the End of next Week, or in ten Days, hope to finish two more, one on each side of this, and at 15 Miles Distance. These I suppose will compleat the projected Line from Delaware to Susquehanah.6 I then propose, God willing, to return homewards and enjoy the Pleasure I promise myself, of finding my Friends well. Till then, adieu; My love to all the Wrights.7 Yours affectionately
B. Franklin.
Addressed: To / Mr. Saml Rhoads / Philada
3. On Samuel Rhoads, Philadelphia carpenter and builder, see above, II, 406 n.
4. Though the earliest known printing of this letter was in William Duane, ed., Memoirs of Benjamin Franklin … with a Postliminious Preface (Phila., 1834), I, xix, the editors have used this version since it obviously was taken from the original document, and its spelling and punctuation resembles BF’s much more than does that in the 1834 work.
5. No letters from Rhoads to BF near this date have been found.
6. See above, pp. 366–8, for the building of Forts Allen, Norris, and Franklin.
7. Probably John, James, and Susanna Wright of Hempfield (now Columbia). See above, IV, 210 n; and this volume, p. 101 n. They may have been visiting Philadelphia at this time.