Benjamin Franklin Papers

From Benjamin Franklin to Richard Peters, [5 November 1755]

To Richard Peters

MS not found; photostat of ALS: Historical Society of Pennsylvania

[November 5, 1755] Wednesday morng.


The Bearers9 tell me that you have promis’d to furnish them with what Arms and Ammunition they have Occasion for, provided the Assembly will engage to pay for them. If the Governor judges it for the Publick Service to spare some of the few Arms at present to be got, to a Township so far within the Settlements, (as it may be, if the People march with them to the Frontiers) I engage in behalf of the Assembly to see them paid for.1 Please to send me a Bill of the Quantity and Amount. I am, Sir, Your most obedient Servant

B Franklin

Richd. Peters Esqr.

Addressed: To / Richard Peters Esqr.

Endorsed: Benj Franklin 5 Novr 1755

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

9Not identified, but from Peters’ answer to this letter (see the following document) it appears that they were three men from Leacock township, about ten miles east of Lancaster.

1See above, pp. 170–1, 234, for BF’s activities as member of an Assembly committee appointed to allocate, with the governor’s approval, arms and supplies for defense of the frontier.

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