To Benjamin Franklin from Peter Kemble, 1754
From Peter Kemble7
ALS: American Philosophical Society
New [Brunswick, c. 1754?]8
Begg the favour you’d forward the Incloseds,9 in which you’ll much oblige Sir your most humble Servant
Peter Kemble
Addressed: To Benjamen Franklin Esqr: In Philadelphia
7. Peter Kemble (1704–1789), New Jersey landowner and councilor, lived at New Brunswick, where he was a member of the town council, 1747. His daughter Margaret married Thomas Gage. William H. Benedict, New Brunswick in History (New Brunswick, N.J., 1925), pp. 254–5. No other correspondence between him and BF has been found.
8. Most of the date line is now missing; so dated in I. Minnis Hays, Calendar of the Papers of Benjamin Franklin in the Library of the American Philosophical Society (Phila., 1908), I, 12.
9. Not identified.