Benjamin Franklin Papers

To Benjamin Franklin from Edward Shippen, 24 May 1754

From Edward Shippen

Letterbook copy: American Philosophical Society

Lancaster 24th May 1754

Dear Sir

The inclosed1 came to hand just now, which I send to you, to let you see the Spirit of some of our back Setlers. If the Managers of the Lottery for the Battery should think Proper to encourage those People,2 they may be pleased to send fifty small Arms to Captain John Harris,3 who ought to engage himself to see them forthcoming. I am out of all Temper with our Assembly; but have a great esteem for yourself and am Dear Sir Your most Humble servant

Edwd: Shippen

P:S: I am just setting off for Cumberland County and shall call on Captain Harris and let him know what I have done with his Letters.

To Benjamin Franklin Esqr.

1Not identified.

2The managers of the Second Philadelphia Lottery, 1748 (see above, III, 288), had funds on hand which could have been used for the purpose.

3John Harris, Junior (1726–1791), farmer, Indian trader, and ferry keeper at Paxtang on the Susquehanna; advised Pennsylvania provincial officials on defensive measures and at the same time kept the friendship and respect of the Indians. His settlement became the capital of Pennsylvania. DAB.

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