From Benjamin Franklin to Thomas Darling and Nathan Whiting, 1 January 1754
To Thomas Darling and Nathan Whiting5
ALS: Huntington Library
Philada. Jan. 1. 1753[1754]
I received your Money of Mr. Willing, and will remit it to London as soon as I have your Orders to whom.
I expect the Printing Materials for Newhaven early in the Spring; they are to come in to New York, unless there be a Vessel bound to Newhaven or Middletown.6 As soon as I hear of their Arrival, I purpose a Journey into Connecticut. But reflecting on the Sum you suppose the Building will cost, and remembring from dear Experience that the final Amount is generally double the Computation, I begin to think, that ’till we have made Trial how the Business is like to be encourag’d, it will be better to hire a Room or two, or accept of Mr. Clap’s kind Offer of a Room in the College for the first Year.7 Yet if you have already done any thing in the Affair, let me know that I may reimburse you. I am, Gentlemen, Your oblig’d humble Servant
B Franklin
I heartily wish a happy New Year to you, Mr. Clap, and all our Newhaven and Connecticut Friends.
Endorsed: I See Mr. Franklins determinations for which I am Sorry, you’ll act accordingly. N Whiting at Fairfield
5. Thomas Darling and Nathan Whiting were New Haven business partners (see above, III, 108 n). Whiting’s sister was married to President Thomas Clap of Yale; his second wife was a step-daughter of Clap. Dexter, Biog. Sketches, I, 750–1.
6. BF had ordered equipment for a printing house from Strahan Oct. 27, 1753 (see above, pp. 82–3), intending to set up his nephew, James Franklin, Jr. (C.11.4), in New Haven. James preferred to remain in Newport. Another nephew, Benjamin Mecom (C.17.3), also declined the offer.
7. BF purchased a lot in New Haven Nov. 8, 1753 (see above, p. 109), but did not erect a building as he had planned. His friend and partner James Parker (see above, II, 341 n) opened the New Haven printing office in rented quarters. Winnifred R. Reid, “Beginnings of Printing in New Haven,” Papers in Honor of Andrew Keogh (New Haven, 1938), pp. 67–88.