To Benjamin Franklin from Peter Collinson, 15 September 1753
From Peter Collinson
ALS: American Philosophical Society
Lond. Sept: 15: 1753
My Dear friend
As no Ship will Sail from Hence in a Month or 3 Weeks I take this oppertunity to Send by the Way of New York. I thank you for your Letter by Mr. Smith who has been Several times With Mee and by all that I can Judge and haveing your approbation I have recommended Him to Mr. Penn. What Effects it will have I cannot Saye but to Strengthen It. I hope the Arch-Bishop of Canterberry will Joyne with Mee, and I do not doubt It, to recommend Him to Mr. Penn3 to Endow a Professorship in the Academy by Intitleing him Pennian professor I have Said every thing I could Suggest to Engage Him, to give the finishing Stroke to your Noble Institution.
Its Prosperity rejoices my Heart. I hope Good Providence will Continue Its Influence over It, to the Latest Ages, that an unborn Offspring may Celebrate its Goodness and remember with Gratitude its First Founders.
I am with Affection Yours
P Collinson
Pray my Respects to your Son and thank Him for his Letter and Presents. I am much concern’d his Journal never came to hand.4 I carefully Sent It. How it happ’d to Miscarry cannot Saye.
Addressed: To Ben Franklin Esqr Philadelphia
3. The Archbishop of Canterbury did write to Thomas Penn in William Smith’s behalf, Sept. 19, 1753. Albert F. Gegenheimer, William Smith, Educator and Churchman (Phila., 1943), pp. 36, 37. See also above, IV, 512.
4. BF had sent Collinson the journal William Franklin kept on his journey to the Ohio Indians with Conrad Weiser, 1748. See above, III, 320.