Benjamin Franklin Papers

From Benjamin Franklin to John Franklin, 2 January 1753

To John Franklin

Transcript: Vassar B. Carlton, Titusville, Florida (1955)

Philada. Jan. 2. 1753

Dear Brother

Yours of the 12th past8 gave me a great deal of Pleasure, as it informed me that you are better and have reason to think the Stone either lessen’d or made smoother.9 I pray God to continue it to a perfect Cure.

When you have a little Leisure please to inform me how our Fathers Estate turns out as I hear every thing is now sold. Who bought the House, and what did it sell for?1 I feel some affection for that old fashioned Clock. It had I remember a sweet Bell; as it has been so long in the Family, I hope some of you have bought [it].

You have never mention’d any thing to me of my Electrical Papers nor of that on the Peopling of Countries, nor that on Meteorology, which have passed thro’ your Hands;2 So I conjecture you have either not had time to read them, or do not like them.

We are all well, and join in wishing you and Sister and the Girls a happy New Year. I am Your affectionate Brother

B Franklin

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

8Not found.

9On John Franklin’s stone, see above, p. 385.

1See below, p. 422.

2See above, pp. 225 and 235. John Perkins delivered the papers to John Franklin in the summer of 1752. See above, p. 359.

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