Benjamin Franklin Papers

To Benjamin Franklin from Jonathan Belcher, 4 November 1751

From Jonathan Belcher

Letterbook copy: Massachusetts Historical Society

Elizabeth Town (NJ) Novr 4: 1751


I have received yours of the 31: of Octr.2 by which I find my Self obliged for your kind Intention to have made an Electrical Operation upon me at Burlington had your Affairs allowd your coming thither which I am sorry they did not for I had concieved much Satisfaction in the Experiment being made by a Gentleman of so much knowledge and practice in the Affair.

And I take a thankfull notice of your readiness to send me an Electrical Apparatus with the particular directions how to use it which I shall be glad off as soon as you can conveniently send it.

I ask pardon for the Trouble I give you of the Inclosed which I desire you will let your Servant deliver to Capt. Child.

And if I can render you any Acceptable service in this Government you may with freedom ask it of Sir Your ready Friend and Servant.

Mr. Franklin (post)

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

2Not found. For Belcher’s treatment by electric shock see above, p. 197 and below, p. 255. Deborah Franklin wrote him November 7 that her “good man was gone from home for an absence of 10 dayes”; Belcher in reply, November 11, expressed appreciation for BF’s and Deborah’s care in forwarding the apparatus and added, “I may soon expect to make an Experiment (on my Body) of Electrification.” Letterbook, Mass. Hist. Soc. Belcher removed from Burlington to Elizabeth, Nov. 1, 1751, for his health.

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