To Benjamin Franklin from James Smith, 25 October 1746
From James Smith1
ALS: Drayton M. Smith, Philadelphia (1958)
Chester Town, Ocbr. 25th 1746
Yours of the 17th mentioning my chance in the New York Lottery2 for which I return you thanks And when you Shall get the money Please to Acquaint me. I may have Occation of Somthing in your way So that if you please to let the money lye with you tell then. I am with respects Sir Your Most humble Servant
Jam. Smith
Addressed: To Mr. Benjamin Franklin Philadelphia
1. James Smith, clerk of Kent Co., Md., for many years. He was one of the commissioners for building the Kent County court house, 1750; and his name heads a list of petitioners for authority to hold a market twice weekly at Chestertown, 1761. Arch. of Md., VI, 30; XLVI, 458; LVIII, 579.
2. BF sold tickets for the New York Lottery. See below, p. 96.